Saturday 19 December 2015

A conversation I had with a wise old man and a thank you to all my friends

I had a really interesting encounter with an elderly man last week at Bushey shul. As I was sitting there, minding my own business, he started talking to me. He told me about his life - how he had been evacuated when he was a boy, how he had served in the RAF, how he had met his wife at a local Jewish youth club and how he had spent several years in the fur business before a chance encounter had led him to become a Taxi driver.

But what was so interesting about this man was the fact that he kept saying to me, with a huge smile on his face, 'I have met so many wonderful people in my life'. When I told him that I was getting married tomorrow he said  that he had been married for 63 years and that life was all about the ups and downs you encounter and those who succeed in it are the ones who have learnt from the obstacles along the way.

And that really inspired me. Did this man say anything groundbreaking? Nope. But this man had lived. He had seen. He, a complete stranger gave me real insight into how I should see my own life. 

One thing I have discovered in the past few years in my own life at least is that many questions of theory are much better answered through experience than through a thought out response. 

Where is God in the world? What is my purpose in life? It seems that rather than attempt a reasoned discussion of these issues I have found them to be far better answered in the relationships I have developed and the life experiences I have had. Maybe that's why I was so moved by speaking to that particular elderly man. 

And I too, the day before my wedding, think to myself: I have met so many wonderful people. I have had such great friends, experiences and companions. Thank you all.

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